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    General Questions

    What is the difference between liposuction and bariatric surgery?

    Liposuction is a purely ‘Cosmetic’ Procedure where excess fat deposits under the skin are sucked out through small cuts. This procedure is only and must only be performed for the purpose of body shaping/contouring. People having excess fat deposits in one or two areas of the body, especially stubborn fat can undergo liposuction. However, a person undergoing liposuction must not expect any major weight loss.

    Bariatric Surgeries are a set of techniques which are designed to give the person complete and lasting weight loss along with resolution of all the weight-related problems.

    Bariatric Surgery makes a person’s own body gradually utilize all the stored body fat and thus gives a very physiological, gradual and controlled weight loss. Bariatric surgery also helps decrease a large number of weight-related diseases along with effective weight loss such as Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol levels, joint arthritis, sleep apnea, PCOS, certain cancers etc.

    Thus while Bariatric Surgery is a type of Gastrointestinal Surgery done for the purpose of reducing weight and weight-related co-morbidities, Liposuction is a Cosmetic Surgery done for body shaping and contouring.

    What is single incision bariatric surgery?
    Single-Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS), is the newest technological advancement in bariatric surgery. Single incision surgery allows bariatric surgeons to perform the same procedures, including gastric band and gastric sleeve, using only one incision. Rather than using the traditional methods, where four to five incisions were made, this procedure uses a single entry point, providing shorter recovery periods, fewer scars and less pain. SILS is the latest additions to Bariatric surgery.
    What are the benefits of bariatric surgery?
    Bariatric surgery can help you lose weight and improve many health problems related to obesity. These health problems include You may be better able to move around and be physically active after surgery. You might also notice your mood improve and feel like your quality of life is better.

    The benefits of bariatric surgery go beyond just losing weight:

    1. Long-term remission for type 2 diabetes. One study reported that bariatric surgery causes long-term remission of type 2 diabetes. The results of this study show the procedure is highly effective for obese patients with type 2 diabetes, allowing almost all patients to remain free of insulin and other related medications for at least three years after surgery. 
    2. Improved cardiovascular health. Weight loss surgery decreases a person’s risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and peripheral heart disease. Plus, one study even reported that the weight loss achieved from the surgery can help prevent the risk of death associated with stroke, hypertension and myocardial infarction. Blood pressure and cholesterol levels can return to normal, or near normal after surgery, reducing these risks and improving overall well-being. 
    3. Relief of depression. Many obese people feel depressed because of poor body image and social stigma. Even younger people who carry significant excess weight find it difficult to participate in activities they might otherwise enjoy, leading to social isolation and depression. Losing this excess weight can improve emotional health in these patients. It was found that people who underwent bariatric surgery had a 32.7% decrease in depression at the time of surgery and 16.5% decrease six to 12 months after surgery.
    4. Eliminate obstructive sleep apnea. Achieving and sustaining a normal weight range often allows people with sleep apnea to stop using a CPAP machine at bedtime. About 80 to 85% of patients experience remission of their sleep apnea one year after surgery.
    5. Joint pain relief. Carrying around excessive weight puts a lot of stress on your weight-bearing joints, often causing chronic pain and joint damage. The significant and sustained weight loss that occurs after bariatric surgery relieves the stress on joints and often allows people to stop using pain medications and enjoy much more mobility.
    6. Improve fertility. Weight loss surgery can also improve fertility during childbearing years. One study reported that the risk of miscarriage may decline after bariatric surgery and can improve menstrual cycles in women who don’t ovulate.
    7. Alleviate other medical conditions. Weight loss surgery can also relieve metabolic syndrome, pregnancy complications, gallbladder disease and more.