Best piles surgeon in delhi

Frequently Asked Questions
Is piles surgery risky?
Ans. Hemorrhoids (piles) can be surgically removed safely and effectively most of the time. Nevertheless, a high-fiber diet, avoiding constipation, and good bottom hygiene can help prevent new hemorrhoids.
Do piles return after surgery?
Ans. Surgery is an effective solution for hemorrhoids. The effectiveness of hemorrhoid laser surgery in the long term depends on your ability to modify your daily bowel habits to prevent constipation and straining. Individuals can experience a recurrence of hemorrhoids following surgery in some cases.
What are the side effects of piles surgery?
Ans. One may experience a few side effects after piles surgery, including pain, bleeding, infection, fecal incontinence, stenosis, urinary incontinence, muscle injury, and constipation. Slow healing may cause discomfort for some time.
Can I poop after piles surgery?
Ans. Eating high-fiber foods into your diet 2 to 3 days later is advisable. It will help to facilitate bowel movements and reduce the risk of experiencing hemorrhoids again. If you encounter irregular bowel movements after the surgery, it is recommended to avoid constipation and straining.