Ileal interposition surgery in Delhi 

Laparoscopic Ileal Interposition


The Laparoscopic Ileal Interposition procedure is a type of metabolic bariatric surgery. This surgical treatment is used to treat overweight diabetic individuals. Patients with type 2 diabetes who are unable to regulate their blood sugar levels after medication and want to lose weight might explore this option. Patients who have suffered organ damage may potentially benefit from this surgery. For consultation on metabolic surgery for diabetes meet with Dr. Sukhvinde Singh Saggu.

metabolic surgery for diabetes

What is the Procedure for Laparoscopic Ileal Interposition?


  • The term Ileal Interposition, in brief, is a kind of exchange of the initial and final parts of the small intestine and transforming the stomach in banana shape.
  • This procedure is only used to treat Type 2 Diabetes in people who have a Pancreatic Insulin reserve.
  • This is a distinct procedure from obesity surgery.
  • This surgery works by blocking the hormones that produce insulin resistance and increasing hormone levels that enhance insulin sensitivity.
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are not seen and followed as in obesity surgery by-pass procedures since this surgery method is not conducted by intestinal by-pass and there is no need to take vitamins and minerals containing tablets for the rest of one’s life.
  • The liquid ingestion begins on the third day of the ileal interposition procedure.
  • Completely free nutrition may be passed on within 6 months to a year. Diabetes is managed within a few weeks to a few months with this procedure, and pharmacological therapy may be administered at a low dose based on the patient’s health. Because of the use of keyhole surgery (laparoscopy), the recovery process is extremely quick, and discomfort is kept to a minimum.
  • This procedure permanently ends type 2 diabetic mellitus (DM), and diabetes is managed within a few weeks to a few months.
  • The Ileal Interposition with Sleeve Gastrectomy procedure allows for weight reduction and therapy without the need for a diet or sports.

How Does It Work?

The ileum is the small intestine’s distal portion. One method of doing this procedure is to insert an ileum between the stomach and the proximal section of the small intestine. The alternative approach involves connecting the ileum to the proximal region of the small intestine without affecting the stomach’s natural connections. Laparoscopic Ileal Interposition isn’t the only surgical procedure for diabetic people, another alternative weight loss surgery for diabetes people is Duodenojejunal Bypass surgery

What is the Result of Laparoscopic Ileal Interposition?

Ileal Interposition may be done on a broad range of BMI individuals. With the exception of individuals who need iron, B12 vitamin, and D vitamin supplementation prior to surgery, this technique does not require any extra vitamin supplements.

For more information & consultation on metabolic surgery for diabetes, Meet with Dr. Saggu

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the difference between bypass and duodenal switch surgery?

Ans. The gastric bypass is recommended for patients with a BMI between 40 and 50, while the duodenal switch is reserved for patients with a higher BMI range of 50 and above. The duodenal switch procedure may be more effective than gastric bypass for individuals with a BMI of 50 or higher. The surgery can lead to significant weight loss and improved metabolic control.

  • Is the duodenal switch surgery safe?

Ans. While any surgical procedure has risks, duodenal switch surgery is one of the safest surgeries to undergo. It is considered safe or more safe when compared to other elective surgeries. The duodenal switch has the best overall weight loss results compared to the gastric bypass and the gastric sleeve.

  • Can you gain weight after duodenal switch?

Ans. Stretching of the stomach pouch, which leads to overeating, also causes weight gain after a sleeve gastrectomy and duodenal switch, but it is rare with the latter procedure. Unfortunately, complications may happen after surgery.

  • What foods to avoid after the duodenal switch?

Ans. Avoid sugar, sugar-containing foods and beverages, concentrated sweets, and fruit juices. Follow a diet low in calories, fats, and sweets. Keep a daily record of your food portions and your calorie and protein intake. Avoid alcoholic and carbonated drinks after the surgery. 

  • How long does it take for stomach to heal after duodenal switch?

Ans. Most patients can resume work after 2 weeks and should experience complete recovery in 4 to 6 weeks once the incisions have fully healed. A restricted diet and regular exercise regimen are then encouraged to be implemented by patients.

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